Sunday, April 11, 2010

OBC Banquet Review

My senior year is coming to a close, and my senior capstone is wrapping up. I have around a month to finish my senior project so that I can prepare the presentation that will be shown towards the end of the year.

On Thursday I presented the beginning sketches of my design of the sustainable camp facility at the Oregon Building Congress Banquet. It was a very low key presentation where various adults involved in either the design build industry or education came and visited for a few minutes about my project. When someone came to visit I gave a summary of my project, and described the sustainable elements of my project. This experience was a very valuable opportunity. Due to everyone's different background, I was given some advice on how to improve my project from the perspectives of tradesmen, natural builders, parents, and educators. I was not expecting such generous people, almost all of the conversations lasted several minutes, and providing me with encouragement with the rest of the project.

At the banquet my mentor, Sierra Hill was present. I was able to present her with my design, and show her my progress up until this point. She was also very helpful, giving suggestions, and helping me describe the project to others. Sierra was a great choice for a mentor; she has been very supportive and always willing to help. She mentioned coming to help out with some natural building projects this summer that I look forward

I met a man named James Thomson who specializes in natural building. He provided me with his contact information as well as various websites that I could use as resources in my project. This information is helpful, seeing as I intend the design to all be made from local, natural materials. I have only found two books that have specialized in natural building, these additional resources will provide me with more insight, and give me some more inspiration to use towards my designs.

So the game plan for the next week is to produce my resource paper, and start importing my design into REVIT. I have fallen behind in my research paper, but I have worked out the wrinkles and I am starting to make a dent in those 4,000 words. I am nervous putting my Camp Design into REVIT. I have not worked with REVIT enough to know if I can change the materials to the exterior materials such as cord wood, and cob. This will be my biggest problem with finishing the design. If the renders do not turn out, the floor plans and site plan will be great to give a visual of the camp layout.

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