Thursday, March 18, 2010

Progress March 18, 2010

Today I finished my book response, as well as emailed an architect who designed a sustainable camp facility in California.
This next week is Spring Break, and over this week I will attempting to finish all of my preliminary sketching and move into REVIT.  I would like to build a model of my design, and to do so I need to pick up the pace with my design. I really need to be looking into storm water management and heat gain and loss. I need to remind myself that I have this calculations to do before I finish my project.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Progress March 16, 2010

I noticed that I have not been updating my blog every time I work on my capstone! Whoops!
Since my last blog entry I have been going thorough the design process, and I am currently on the stage of the design where I am creating a final floor plan. The design process in compound projects like mine is a little more difficult given that you not only have to create a layout for one buildings, but many, and then take multiple buildings and organize them on a site.
Today I am working on my outline for my research paper.  After creating my thesis I have decided to make my paper a comparative essay. I will compare two different camp sites, comparing three sustainable features of each camp.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Developements from March 3, 2009

Today I talk to Ms. Butler and Mr Taylor about ways that I can apply for honors at Sandy. I also wrote and submitted my thesis statement on Moodle. Lastly I started my bubble diagram for cabin layout.